Namaste, iam Dorothy Heller, No wild parties while I’m gone, mister!

What Does S Mean In Fighting Games? [Solved]

S = Standing (Or Neutral) J = Jumping (This is also used any time your character is already in the air. If you’ve already jumped earlier in a combo and the next move has a jump modifier, you don’t have to jump again, it’s just telling you to do the move in the air.) And lastly, C = Crouching.

Conan Takes A Samurai Sword To The Gut | CONAN on TBS

CONAN Highlight: When Steven Ho hooks up Conan to a blood tube for his latest stunt, the entire set gets transformed into a …

When the Person You’re Fighting Fights like a Video Game Character

I promise you better run in the opposite direction if you see someone

Fans Claim House of the Dragon is Too Dark & Aaron Judge Breaks Home Run Record | The Daily Show

Aaron Judge breaks the record for most home runs in a single season by an American League player, Goodwill launches its first …