Hola, iam John Cunningham, Asalam walekum.

What Does Positive Igg But Negative Igm Mean? [Solved]

If IgM antibodies are positive and IgG antibodies are negative, it may be an early stage of the infection where only the initial IgM antibodies have been produced but the IgG antibodies have not yet been produced. Testing may be repeated to confirm production of IgG antibodies.

The Truth about IgM and IgG Antibody/Serology Tests

Serology tests are critical tools for guiding clinical

Antibody Testing: IgG and IgM explained

Beckman Coulter’s chief medical officer, Dr. Shami Feinglass, explains the differences between

COVID-19 and Antibody tests explained: IgM and IgG antibodies to Coronavirus

Currently, there are two types of tests for Coronavirus, which provide different kinds of information. Diagnostic tests tell us if …