Hello, iam David Mcclellan, Enjoy the rest of your day.

What Does Op Mean On The Internet? [Solved]

original poster What OP means on social media. On social media sites, OP usually stands for “original poster” or “original post.” The person who creates a post that others are now replying to, or that first post itself, is the OP.27 May 2021

What Does OP Mean On Reddit | Gaming | Music | Texting | Anime Slang

What Does OP Mean

What Does “OP” Stand For on the Internet? - Ashlee Craft

Ever wondered what the term "

Evgeny Kissin Rachmaninoff Prelude Op 3 No 2 in C Sharp minor

Salle Pleyel, Paris 19.09.2014 encore after Rachmaninoff’s 2nd piano concerto.