Hello, iam Eugenia Long, Don’t miss me too much.

What Does Af Mean In Roblox? [Solved]

The acronym af translates to a swear word, plain and simple. It certainly is a slightly more respectable option compared to dropping a full-blown f-bomb in a tweet or in a text message, but unlike other internet slang terms like LOL and BRB, this is a term that you should avoid using in some situations.7 Aug 2020

How to understand Texting Abbreviations!!

LOL and LMAO, SMH, FFS… and all the other texting abbreviations are explained in today’s lesson! If you like the video, …

Roblox What Does AFK Mean? What Does AFK Mean In Roblox 2017 Explanation

As always be sure to leave a LIKE and a nice little comment if this video tutorial helped! It lets me know that I helped you guys out …

Meaning of LOL, OMG, WTF, IDC, JK, FYI, …

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