Hello, iam Jeffrey Zimmerman, Promise me you’ll have a good time.

What Do You Call A Badass Woman? [Solved]

shero. A portmanteau of she and hero, shero is used to describe a woman who performs heroic feats, inspires others, or is a general badass. Think Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for example. The term isn’t actually new.27 May 2020

Badass Women That You Should Know | The Daily Show

From innovators to athlete activists, here’s a look at some of the most

Why You Need To Be A Bitch | Tabatha Coffey | TEDxStLouisWomen

Tabatha Coffey speaks to the importance of being true to yourself and owning it. Tabatha Coffey has devoted her professional life …

The Most Inspirational Video for Women Ever - How to Have Motivation and Never Give Up

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