Namaste, iam Dawn Sanots, Have a pleasant day.

What Do The 3 Monsters In Beowulf Represent? [Solved]

Moral and figurative threats: Greed, vengeance, isolation. Although the three monsters allow Beowulf to prove his heroism in battle, that’s not their only purpose in the poem.31 Jan 2018

The Lit Plague: Beowulf and its Monsters

What about all the

Monsters. They’re Us, Man: Crash Course World Mythology #36

This week, we’re starting our discussion of Mythical Creatures with the WORST creatures.

Beowulf: Psychodynamics of a Legend, Part 3 | Grendel’s Mother, the Anima, and Life at the Brink

In this video we continue our series on the Old English masterpiece,