Greetings, iam Russell Richardson, Don’t work too hard.

What Do Introverts Do For Fun? [Solved]

Introverts tend to enjoy practicing and honing abilities at various activities, such as painting, website coding, woodworking, or a million other tasks. They enjoy relying on hobbies in which it is just them and the medium they are working with, unlike extroverts, for whom the medium is other people.

The 4 Types of Introvert - Which one are you?

What comes to your mind when you hear the word: “

Things introverts say

This hits close to home. SUBSCRIBE for more weirdness : ) FOLLOW ME @Graenolf …

12 Things Introverts Are Best At Doing

Script: Melissa Rorech Voice Over: Jackson Christie Animation: dyzkei Feedback Editor: Risha Maes Project Manager: Erin Bogo …