Namaste, iam Roderick Rosseau, Have an A+ day.

What Causes A Submissive Personality? [Solved]

How we become submissive people. Submission is a behavioral pattern -and also a communicative or relationship style- that has its source in a lack of self-esteem and, therefore, is a lack of assertiveness.26 Jul 2021

Submissiveness | Personality Traits Psychology Series #24

Your life matters. Nobody can question your worth. Whatever it is that you’re going through, however it is that you’re feeling: It’s …

5 Signs You’re Way Too Submissive

If you ever find yourself submitting to people without realizing it, then you might be hurting yourself more than you think.

The Psychology of Submission - Why Do Sub’s Submit In BDSM? The Fascinating Facts Revealed Here!

Have you heard of BDSM (maybe through 50 shades of grey) and wondered why someone would be a